The slow lane

in high school i liked to drive cars really fast.  when i came home from college and i was not used to driving, i learned to enjoy going slow.  really slow.  sometimes i would go extra slow to piss of people behind me who seemed like they were in too much of a rush.  now, i am learning to enjoy walking slow.  because i am often stuck walking slowly home from the subway.

today i was walking home from the subway and there was another (young) woman who was walking as slow as i was.  there were several awkward moments where i was about to pass her, then she was about to pass me.  we were very conscious of each other, b/c we we were both walking *so* slow.  i couldn’t take it anymore, and i walked even slower, and let her move ahead.

Managing the side effects, managing the heat

S and i went to the coop yesterday.  it was EPIC.  an official record: $346.24. it was so hard(core), I almost started crying towards the end.  we got three watermelons! (watermelon is the only thing i can consistently eat everytime.)  i was totally exhausted.  i just sat down in front of the CLIF bars and tried really hard to breathe.  i was actually, kind-of, meditating in the Park Slope Food Co-op. Really.  S sat down next to me.  and we just sat for a minute or so.  while the craziness of the co-op went on around us.

today & yesterday I am doing better.  maybe it was because I didn’t try to work yesterday.  i stayed home and read in bed. (and went to the coop.)  also, it was much cooler today.  the weather has been kicking my ass so bad.  it is the worst that the NY summer can offer.  by the time I made it to the studio I was a wilted flower.

i think i can feel the good effects of coming off the drugs, but its hard to tell because the weather has also been better in the last few days, and i have pushed myself less.

That was complicated, let me try that again: When I got back to NYC the weather was so hot and humid, and my symptoms from the Interferon correspond quite perfectly to how I feel in hot and humid weather, so I was really unsure how much of what I was feeling was drugs and how much was the NYC weather.