Apples and Peanut Butter

On Sep 24, 2008, at 2:12 PM, addwag wrote:

i was thinking about that analogy that monk gave you about billy’s bakery..

what if you love cupcakes and then you resist getting a cupcake and then after a while you no longer crave or need cupcakes- which is the goal?

then do you lose what you love because you resist it? and if so, what do you love instead?

i think that for him it is all about controlling and submlimatng desire.  and chanelling that energy into meditation (and all the god stuff.)

but for me, it is more important as an analogy of changing behaviors.  understanding how behaviors are created and reinforced.  positive and negative.

i *had* to do this (w/o really understanding the process) when i got off of caffeine 10 years ago.  i had to do this just this past month with learning to incorporate the neti pot into my twice-daily ablutions.  and i’ve definitely had to do this with meditation. but there is a point of inflection, where it gets easier and easier to do (and harder and harder to not do.)  that is the real point.

but when you leave something behind, you always have the memory.  sometimes its not the love for the thing itself, but your desire for something.  and sometimes desire is something good to get rid of.  covetousness desire.  greedy desire.

the IFN makes it so i don’t like chocolate.  i used to *love* chocolate.  and for now, that love is gone.  and at first it was terribly sad for me.  i felt like i was missing part of myself.  but love of chocolate isn’t me, its just something i had.  it was replaced with love of watermelon.  now that watermelon is no longer in season, i have love of apples and peanut butter.  things come and go.

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I am 30 year old Brooklynite who was diagnosed with Stage III Melanoma in February 2008. I started this blog after the first day of high dose Interferon chemotherapy in June 2008.

5 thoughts on “Apples and Peanut Butter”

  1. reminded me of this:

    Like the little stream
    Making its way
    Through the mossy crevices
    I, too, quietly
    Turn clear and transparent.

    – Ryokan

  2. if you no longer have things to love (eg chocolate, lets say) then what defines you if its not what you love that is who you are?

  3. but one is always changing. i am a different person than i was 6 months ago. and if that is partly b/c i no longer mega-crave chocolate, than that is just one of the ways in which i am different.

    we all change.

    i love different things now. i appreciate different things now.

  4. Id love to hear more about this IRL. I’ve never really understood that part of enlightenment. I dated a guy who had the Cupcake Theory about a lot of things in life. I never understood it, as much as I tried, so much so it annoyed me the entire relationship.

    am I too much in love with desire to banish it? or just really really american?

    why is desire bad? if what you desire truly makes you happy then why is suppressing or banishing that desire a good thing?

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