Feeling like crap

My mouth sores are mostly gone, but now I can’t swallow without pain on my left side of my throat.  I called the Dr, and these are not conventional side effects from the IFN. I was told to treat it like a cold, and if it is not gone in a couple of days, to call back for an appointment.

I’m queasy.  I’m wearing my ice vest inside my appartment with the A/C on.  I need to eat more food.  And I have to shoot up tonight.

I remember what AW said to me at one point:  “You will have good days, and you will have bad days.  And you just have to accept that somedays the best you can do is to lie in bed and cry.”  We’ll I haven’t cried yet today, though maybe that would be a satisfying release.  I think I’ll go eat some watermelon instead.  And then lie in bed.

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I am 30 year old Brooklynite who was diagnosed with Stage III Melanoma in February 2008. I started this blog after the first day of high dose Interferon chemotherapy in June 2008.

2 thoughts on “Feeling like crap”

  1. Just wanted you to know that your PDX nurses are thinking of you! Sorry to hear you are having a crappy day… I can’t wait to show more patients your website because it is so honest and profound. I hope tomorrow is a better day. -A

  2. I cried today, it helped slow down the nyc world from landing on my shoulders again so harshly and I think I might go get some watermelon too.

    hang in there my dear, and I’m happy to be a courier any day you need more watermelon/ice/company/whatev’s

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